

Wednesday, February 28, 2024



Omolara Thomas (Ibadan)

Poultry feed are the highest cost input and the biggest constraint to poultry development in Nigeria. Nigeria does not grow enough maize to meet poultry production expectations, but the small scale farmer can be creative in providing innovative feed sources for his farm.

There are several innovative and cost-effective ways to make poultry feeds:


Use Local Ingredients: Utilize locally available grains, legumes, and by-products like rice bran, wheat bran, maize, and soybean meal.


Substitute Ingredients: Replace expensive ingredients with more affordable alternatives. For example, you can use cassava meal, sweet potato vines, or sunflower seed meal as substitutes.


Mealworm Farming: Consider raising mealworms as a protein source. Mealworms are rich in protein and can be grown using organic waste materials like vegetable scraps or grain hulls. You can also grow large quantities of earthworms by the riverside. These are milled and dried or fed fresh. Worm feeds can raise egg production by as much as 30%.


Black Soldier Fly Larvae: Black soldier fly larvae are another excellent source of protein and can be cultivated using organic waste. They can be fed to poultry either fresh or dried.


Fermentation: Fermenting grains can increase their digestibility and nutrient availability for poultry. This process also helps in reducing feed costs.


Vertical Integration: If feasible, consider vertically integrating your operations by growing some of the feed ingredients yourself. For example, if you have space, grow corn or other grains.


Community Co-ops: Collaborate with other local poultry farmers to purchase feed ingredients in bulk, reducing costs through economies of scale.


Alternative Protein Sources: Look into unconventional protein sources like duckweed, algae, or insect meal.


Supplement with Kitchen Scraps: Utilize kitchen scraps like vegetable trimmings, fruit peels, and leftover grains to supplement the birds' diet.


Precision Feeding: Implement precision feeding techniques to ensure that the birds receive the right amount of nutrients without excess waste. This can involve formulating feed rations based on the specific nutritional needs of the birds at different stages of growth.



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