

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Omolara Thomas

In Nigeria, poultry feed can include a variety of ingredients besides corn to provide balanced nutrition for chickens. Some common ingredients include:

1. Soybean meal: A rich source of protein essential for poultry growth and development. These are found in soybean growing areas of Nigeria, particularly in the Middle Belt states of Benue, Taraba, Nassarawa, Kogi and Niger.

2. Wheat bran: Obtained mostly as waste from breweries and other food processing companies, Wheat bran, provides fiber and energy, and can be a cost-effective ingredient.

3. Fish meal: High in protein and essential amino acids, promoting muscle development.

4. Palm kernel cake: Offers protein and energy, and is often used in poultry feed formulations. Palm Kernels are obtainable wherever palm oil is processed all over Southern Nigeria. Large quantities come from the big oil palm farms and Kernel processing factories usually attached to the oil processing mills, particularly in Okomu and Iyanomo in Edo State.

5. Groundnut cake (peanut meal): Another protein-rich ingredient suitable for poultry diets. These come from groundnut growing areas of the far north. These days, much of the groundnuts grown in Nigeria are sold as seed. Because of the decline in cultivation, groundnut mills are fewer and cakes are harder to get and more expensive

6. Rice bran: Contains energy, fiber, and some protein, serving as a valuable component in poultry feed. Rice bran has the potential of becoming major sources of poultry feed in Nigeria but the processing facilities are not yet available to match the potential demand. This is an investment area that needs further development.


These ingredients, combined in appropriate ratios, help ensure poultry receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and growth.