

Thursday, May 23, 2013



In Nigeria's far North eastern Borno State, another kind of war is on, man is biting back against the desert locust. Swarms of migrating locusts seasonally strip the semi-arid region of its scanty vegetation and crops. But Gambo Ibrahim, 27, a locust hunter, says the people of Borno have found a way of converting the desert locust's assault into an annual banquet. They eat the locusts which they call "desert shrimps".

"In Pidgin English, we say 'na do me i do you'," says Mr. Ibrahim, who has been hunting locusts for 8 years. I mean, yes, the locusts are eating up our crops, but we are also eating them up and making money to boot.
"So both man and locusts are losers, but i think they are worse off because we are eating them. I guess you could say one bad turn deserves another," he says with a chuckle.

"Since the locusts fly and man cannot fly, then if man must catch them, he has to figure out a way to engage the locusts on familiar territory - ground. "The locusts tend to fly at night because it is really cold (temperatures drop to 9 degrees Celsius) and dark. That's when we go after them.
"You need safety boots like these ones I have on, which are actually my dad's cast-off military issue and they serve the purpose well" Mr Ibrahim says.

"in addition to the safety boots and a minimum of three layers of clothes - jeans is the best - you also need a very powerful torch" Mr Ibrahim explains. You use it to see your way in the sahara at night. The torch is actually also a trap. "The locusts are attracted to it and they literally just come flying into your face and all you really have to do is just pick them off.

"We then put them in bags and head for the market. A bag of live locusts fetches between $26 and $30. Locusts are simply money spinners", Mr Ibrahim says. Most of our buyers are women who in turn dress the locusts, fry them and sell them to members of the public.

"We buy the locusts from the boys,"says Esther Daniel who sells fried locusts in Maiduguri town. After that we remove their wings so they can't fly", she says.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Blonde Prawn No 4

It is time now for the Nigerian Authorities to wake up to frightening realities in the marine fishing industry and begin to enforce regulations governing fishing and trawling activities in the Nigerian waters. The fact that hitherto abundant tropical fish like Croakers, tuna, snappers, shrimps and prawns are now imported into Nigeria by the same Asian companies that over-fished our waters to the death should be sign enough that a serious crisis is on the Nigerian plate in the marine fish industry.
Investments and attention should now begin to move towards evolving a homegrown cultivated shrimp industry while placing and enforcing a five-year ban on fishing and shrimping in Nigerian waters to allow the re-population of seriously depleted marine life. A cultivated shrimp industry located along the large network of estuaries and creeks of the nine coastal states will open up a new frontier for business engagement and mass employment for shrimps and prawns, internationally tradeable products of insatiable demand.
Tiger Prawn No 4

Figures emerging from worldwide trade on cultivated prawns is enough to cause the nation to salivate. Since the 1990's the total production of cultivated prawns have grown at a faster rate than any other agricultural product in the world. 
Since then global shrimp and prawns production has increased by 75% from 2.4 million Metric Tonnes to over 4.2 in 2004 with an annual average growth of 8% since then. Aquaculture i.e cultivated or farmed shrimp currently account for approximately 25% of total world production, a worldwide market valued at USD6 billion at the farmgate and over $20 billion in retail.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Before the new millennium  Nigeria was a significant exporter of seafood particularly prawns and shrimps to Europe and North America from the catches made by fish trawlers on the Nigerian coastal waters.This is not so anymore. Nigeria actually imports shrimps and prawns now to meet its domestic demand.

The depletion of the crustaceans from the Nigerian ocean floor did not happen without warning to the Nigerian authorities. About three decades back, Indian and other Asian businessmen invaded the Nigerian waters with trawlers equipped with gadgetry to comb banned juvenile fish and shrimps from the sea bed with absolutely no control or enforcement of regulations from Nigerian Maritime Authority. The companies deployed illegal nets and other equipment to plunder the coastal floor hauling up juvenile fish, sea horses, turtles and tonnes of other marine life along with the shrimps and prawns they craved.

Fish Trawler

The biggest culprit in this immensely lucrative racket was without a doubt Ocean Fisheries Limited, then the backbone of the Churchgate Business Group. In its heydays Ocean Fisheries cavorted with the high and mighty in Government, owned 52 trawlers prowling Nigerian waters and was permitted to be the sole occupant of the Ikorodu Light Terminal Port in Lagos. Ocean Fisheries also operated the largest seafood processing facility at Odogunyan, 20 kilometres Northeast of Ikorodu.
Here Ocean Fisheries employed more than 5000 women and girls to process fish and shrimps for export to France and the United States. These workers were paid less than a dollar a day. Not only was the fish and shrimps caught free in the Nigerian waters without obeying international regulations, Ocean Fisheries would not pay tax to the Nigerian Government even on the seafood exports. Mr. Mike Hartley, an American and then Managing Director of Ocean Fisheries did say that "Nigeria offers the best free lunches". 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


 The Gulf of Guinea lapping nine (9) states of the Nigerian Federation offers best-in-the-world spawning and breeding waters for shrimp and prawns. Lying so close to the equator in the middle of humid Africa and abutting the largest tropical mangrove swampland, temperatures average 30 degrees Centigrade. The warm tropical water and its vast creeks and ravines habour rich and wild undergrowth's that offer natural  spawning ground for crustaceans and these can be easily adapted for both small and industrial scale cultivation.
Despite shrimps and prawns literally popping out of the Nigerian coastal waters even up to the middle seventies, the Nigerian coastal communities never developed the culture of shrimp farming inspite of the worldwide booming trade in the product and inspite of the fact that shrimp and prawns cultivation remain one of the most lucrative farming enterprises in a modern world that has become insatiable for its consumption.
 A reason for this cultural and investment failure may be the disruptions and pollution of the waters that oil exploration and production caused in the Niger Delta and the fact that there was no encouragement from the Federal Authorities that had become so unhinged and covetous of Petro-dollars from Crude oil.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Dateline: Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria. May 6 2013.
Report by Joshua Ndobu

Agbor, the biggest town of Northern Delta State will soon host a novel investment in the area as a bio-energy firm, BioPower Nigeria Limited prepares to invest N7million on a locally fabricated biogas plant in Ime-Obi along the expressway of Agbor town. The firm plans to harness the abundant animal droppings and waste generated from the many poultry and other livestock firms in the neighbourhood. 
Agbor is home to Phed Breeder Farms, one of the largest poultry companies in Nigeria, and numerous other poultry and piggery farms. Agbor also thrives as the biggest meat processing town in Delta and Edo states with large consignment of cattle, goats and rams and including donkeys transported there by heavy laden trucks daily.
Alhaji Abdulkadir Idris one of the cattle traders at the thriving Agbor Secretariat cattle market claims that nearly 100 animals are slaughtered daily at the market, one of three abattoirs in the town. He said that over 300 donkeys are slaughtered in the abattoirs in Agbor daily with innumerable sheep and goats. 

Biogas model design

Mr. Stevens Umore of BioPower and Project Manager of the proposed Biogas facility expressed the confidence that the company can harvest 20 metric tonnes of bio-waste daily in the town and its environs and that will be more than enough to serve their needs to produce 500 cubic metres of biogas and  more than 10 tonnes of bio-fertilizer daily. The biogas will be sold to the public in metal gas bottles at half the prevailing price of bottled LPG gas.
Mr. Umore said that the land for the plant has been acquired and that plant fabrication and installations will commence in September and test-runs of the fabricated plant will start early in January next year.


Clean Energy Series:

Biogas is gas released as a result of the anaerobic digestion of biomass. All organic matter must by natural phenomena decompose and when the process occurs in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic), biogas which is essentially composed of methane, carbon dioxide, trace hydrogen sulfides and other trace compounds are released.
The replication of this natural phenomenon in a controlled environment and on a commercial scale leads to the harvest of (1) biogas, a renewable energy source that could be deployed for domestic and commercial use and (2) bio-fertilizer, a cheaper and more wholesome farm and horticultural alternative to chemical fertilizer.
An investor harnesses the biogas from this natural occurrence by investing on the equipment and resources that enables the phenomenon to be replicated on a large scale and in a controlled environment and by utilizing substrates or organic matter that would otherwise be wasted and cause environmental and health hazards.
These organic matter could be wastes from vegetable or animal sources like energy crops e.g. cassava peels, corn silages and husks or animal droppings like chicken droppings, pig droppings, cow dung or human excreta etc. This piece is focused on the utilization of cow dung and abattoir wastes as the basic substrates for industrial digestion to biogas and bio-fertilizer.

Energy Source
Calorific Value of
Fuel Per Unit
KW Calorific Value of
Fuel Per Unit
MJ Price of Fuel Unit
Price Equivalent of
1m³ of Biogas
Biogas Equivalent Per Fuel Unit
Diesel/Kerosene (litre)
Benzene (litre)
Fuel Wood (kg)
Dried Dung (kg)
Dry Vegetation Waste (kg)
Solid Coal (kg)
Natural Gas (m³)
Propane in Balloons (m³)
Electricity kw

Biogas achieves a heating value of 5.5Kcal/M³and may be utilized for the following purposes:
1.     Electricity Generation
2.     Heating resource
3.     Cooking
4.     Replacement fuel for Diesel Engines
5.     Internal Combustion Engines.

The business models recommended in this study are designed to surmount the problems that must necessarily confront a pioneering business and to emphasize the necessity for the development of a market for the products as a step prior to investment decision making. In this wise, the following issues must be concluded before forward planning for equipment purchases can be made:
A.    Institutional buyers of electricity generated in the biogas project must be found and price for purchase of constant electricity supply must be agreed and documents signed before proceeding towards investment in equipment and machinery procurement.
B.     A gas bottling and distribution license and all other relevant permits must be procured from the relevant authorities before proceeding to the next phase of investment actions.
C.     A distribution and sales plan for the disposal of the derivable bio-fertilizer must also be concluded and the market and sales channels activated prior to the investments on machinery and equipment for the biogas plant.

The profitability of alternative energy investments depend unavoidably on the price of petroleum products in the world market. The world energy consumption is so tied to hydrocarbons that the benchmark for determining the profitability of investments in alternative energy is how lower in price the energy source is in comparison to hydrocarbon fuels.
The Biogas Project will be the first biogas project in the region and will by that fact be a major determinant of the future success of biogas investments in a region noted more for its massive production of hydrocarbons and natural gas. In order to be adjudged successful, the Biogas project must be able to achieve costs and production figures cheaper than both natural and liquefied natural gas and the company must also show a clear capability of deploying and sustaining uninterrupted supply to large scale strategic institutional consumers.
The products that will be derived from the installed Biogas Plant utilizing cow dung as substrates at the biogas project are as under listed:
1.     Biogas
2.     Bio-fertilizers
3.     Bio-slurries
The uses to which these products can be put will determine the commercial viability of the Biogas Project and these may be listed as follows:
A.    Electricity generation.
B.     Cooking and heating.
C.     Bio-fertilizers for farm uses.
D.    Bio-Slurries for Horticulture.
The benefits to be derived from a profitable biogas production as presented in this study will be to actualize both the investors’ profit interests as well as achieve the economic and social objectives of the institutions where the plants are to be situated and all neighborhoods where cow dung waste is to be collected and evacuated particularly considerations for improvement in public health and derivable ecological, health and environmental benefits arising from the removal of odorous and other waste.
1.     Low cost production of energy.
2.     The ready availability of energy produced from non-depleting renewable sources.
3.     The improvement in the quantity and quality of agricultural production with bio-fertilizer.
4.     Improvements in the quality of life of the people through the use of biogas and bio-fertilizer.
5.     Creation of a participatory local energy business and market.
6.     Development of skills
7.     Employment generation particularly in the rural areas.
8.     Poverty reduction.
The deployment of the biogas product for the generation of electricity will require further investments in electricity generation machinery and electrical installations. The power output will require dedicated bulk buyers of electricity particularly institutions or factories in order not to be entangled in legal and engineering issues associated with public supply of electricity or infringe on electricity distribution laws.
Biogas that per chance may have to be sold as bottled cooking gas will also require additional investments in gas bottling and pressure pumps and equipment as well as a large stock of refillable steel gas bottles to enable the biogas to access the retail market. It is possible to use hard plastic bottles to fill and distribute the biogas for home cooking but this will require investments in research, design and production of the plastic bottles that would take the required pressure.
Further, a decision to deploy the biogas yields to serve for both electricity and domestic cooking purposes will require investments in both facilities i.e. dedicated electricity supply to a given institution or community and biogas bottling for sale to home users for cooking. This dual application will require investments in machinery but will provide guarantee a for ready market and steady sales and income.
Biogas electricity generators ranging in power output from 1kw/h to the massive 2.5mw/h are available for sale in China. (see Picture) China has developed an advanced biogas production, utilization and equipment sales market. It will be novel to develop a biogas production and utilization market in your region and this will require the importation and sale of the biogas electricity generators as well as the production and sale of the biogas to keep them in domestic use supplying electricity to homes. Buyers of the biogas electric generators must be assured of the continuous supply of biogas to keep the generators working in order to be convinced to buy the generators.
Beyond the assurance of steady supply of biogas to power the generators and the continuous availability of gas bottles for home cooking, buyers must also be assured that prices for replacement gas at all times must be cheaper than bottled liquefied petroleum gas, petrol and diesel and that steady prices will be maintained. When all these are assured, a steady market will begin to grow for biogas as a strong alternative to generate electricity for homes as well as cheaper and cleaner option for home cooking. The bigger attraction will of course be that the Biogas Project will become a business prototype ready for replication across the region and thereafter a biogas industry owned and powered by the people will have taken root in Nigeria.

1.     Biogas Collection Tank.  
2.     Substrate Feeder Tank.
3.     Dung Storage Facility.
4.     Slurry Collection Tank.
5.     Gas Bottling and Pressurizing Equipment.

A modular design for a Biogas plant is recommended for the Biogas Project. This will require that basic biogas and factory facilities are provided in the initial factory design and installation while allowing for additional digesters and slurry tanks to be added as business develops. The digester is the processing centre for biogas and the focal point of most activity at the plant. The capacity and output of the digester determine the capacity of the biogas plant.
Local fabrication of the biogas plant lowers investment costs dramatically while also allowing for the development of local skills and technologies for onward sale to future investors as part of the new income streams of the Biogas Project.
A locally fabricated biogas plant will require the services of a Fabrication Engineer or experienced technician to accomplish. The inner walls of the steel tanks will be of galvanized steel or reinforced plasticin order to avoid corrosion from hydrogen sulfide for as long as possible.
There is of course the alternative of buying and deploying the largest possible sizes of plastic tanks. They are of lower capacity but Purchased in enough numbers they can do well to service an industrial capacity biogas plant.
If local fabrication of biogas plant will not be considered as a good option considering the pioneer status of biogas business Nigeria, the Chinese model will be a more viable and workable option. The advantages of a Chinese plant purchase are as follows:
1)    The Chinese plants have a huge comparative price advantage.
2)    The Chinese model can be acquired with portable gas holders (membranes and gas storage tanks pp17.
3)    The Chinese models are purchased with filters which remove the smell in the biogas and dry it of all vapors.
4)    The Chinese have a bigger and more active biogas industry and can therefore offer long term support at cheaper cost.

The two basic products of a Biogas plant are:
1.     Biogas
2.     Bio-fertilizer
There are other products but the only commercially useful one is bio-slurry which can be regarded as the liquefied form of bio-fertilizer. Bio-slurry can be sold to market gardeners and other horticulturists.
(NOTE: A 30 day stock of cow dung should be kept in the factory yard at all times.)
The internationally recognized guide for the calculation of the cost of running a biogas plant is to allow a margin of 4% of the cost of setting up the biogas plant as annual running cost and the elements of the annual running cost will include the following:
1.     Cost of acquiring substrates
2.     Water Supply
3.     Maintenance and repair of plant
4.     Preparation and bagging of bio-fertilizers
5.     Gas bottling storage and distribution
6.     Salary and wages.
The biogas plant to be located in the hot tropical climate will not require a co-heating system to achieve the required optimal operational Mesophilic temperature range 27-40 degrees Celsius in the digester (recommended operational temperature 35-37áµ’c). Construction cost of the digester therefore will be cheaper than in the temperate region where pre-heating and co-heating of the digester will be required to activate the digester microbes particularly in winter seasons. The basic and cheaper construction cost without an electric pre-heating system will lower investment and running costs.
The Mesophilic temperature range 27-40áµ’C allows for the optimum release of biogas from substrates resident in the digester, the preservation of nutrients in the effluent bio-fertilizers and the destruction of smell and pathogens in the ensuing effluents particularly the bio-fertilizer. The operation of a biogas plant will therefore be cheaper as the prevailing climatic conditions provide the natural temperature range for a more optimum harvest by volume of biogas and bio-fertilizers. Temperatures lower than 18áµ’C (Psychophilic temperature range) do not allow for normal bacterial activity that will lead to profitable release of biogas in the digester, so digesters have to be co-heated. Sustained temperature levels higher than 40áµ’C (Thermophilic temperature range) on the other hand stimulate intense bacterial activity leading to higher release of biogas but results in the destruction of plant nutrients in the effluent bio-fertilizers. In the course of running a biogas plant under mesophilic temperature conditions, care must be taken not to allow for wide and sudden fluctuating in temperature as the process of bio-methenation is very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. A temperature fluctuation range of no more than ±1áµ’C may be allowed under the stated conditions.
The slurry tank is the chamber where substrates are mixed in the right substrate/water ratio to achieve optimum biogas yield. The mixing slurry tank is also the place where a thorough mixing of substrate to break up lumps and achieve evenness is achieved. The mixing rate for cow dung for maximum biogas yield is 85-92% water to solid cow dung.
Cow dung contains the full range of bacteria and micro-organisms necessary to begin the digestion process to produce biogas in anaerobic conditions in a new digester tank as cow dung is ingested with all the micro-organisms in the bowels of cattle. Cow dung therefore is the best substrate to jumpstart biogas production in a new plant.
MIXING RATE: Cow dung needs to mix with 85-92% water to produce the perfect mix for optimum gas release in a biogas plant. A water supply system and a mixing tank needs to be installed.

TANK OPTIMIZATION: The digester tank needs to be filled to two-thirds of its volume and the balance one-third left for biogas accumulation and harvest. For fermentation and the production of biogas to begin, it is necessary to create anaerobic conditions in the digester tank by ensuring air tightness in the entire bio-digester and the piping systems. It is also necessary to ensure the absence of scum and other inhibitors to the digestion process.
Utilising cow dung as substrate under mesophilic temperature regimes, digester feeding practices are as follows:
A.    10% of digester volumes are fed daily. The substrates are divided equally and loaded onto the digester from the slurry mixing tank every 4-6 hours intervals.
B.     The time needed to liberate all biogas in cow dung substrates is usually 10-20 days under mesophilic temperature conditions of 25-40 áµ’C. As substrates are fed in from the slurry tank through the piping at the bottom of the tank, the older, resident, digested slurry escape from the piping at the top of the tank.
C.     AGITATION (Stirring): it is necessary at intervals of the digestion process in the digester tank to stir either by physical or mechanical means the substrates in the digester tank. This stirring and mixing action achieves the following purposes:
i.                    Frees already produced biogas trapped in the slurry.
ii.                  Evenly distributes bacteria in the digester for the inoculation of fresh substrate.
iii.                Preventing the formation of scum and sediments.
iv.               Ensuring uniform temperature in the digester tank.
v.                 Helps prevent dead and inactive spaces in the digester and avoid reducing volume and effectiveness.
Stirring and agitation of substrates in the digester tank should be carried out every 4 hours approximately.

1.     The start-up period of a new plant requires active bacterial action on the substrates. It is necessary to raise and maintain a temperature range of 35-37áµ’C in the first two weeks of digester activity and agitate frequently to intensify bacterial inoculation and spread within the digester.
2.     The initial period of gas production is characterized by:
i.                    Low quality (more than 60% CO2) and infrequent gas production.
ii.                  Smelly gas with low pH value.
Biogas may be improved by filtering it through limewater to remove carbon dioxide, iron filings to absorb corrosive hydrogen sulphide and calcium chloride to extract water vapour after the other two processes.

Cow dung is an average yield substrate for biogas production but the low cost of gathering and the high production from the average animal makes it the substrate of choice for biogas production. The cost for the acquisition of cow dung substrate for the Biogas Project will be nil. The raw material cost will be expended on the gathering and transport of the cow dung to the Biogas plant. The yield expectations for different substrates are as follows:

TYPE OF SUBSTRATE              BIOGAS YIELD                         METHANE CONTENT
                                                (CUBIC METRE PER KG)                     (%)
CATTLE                                    0.25 – 0.34                                          65
PIG                                          0.34 – 0.58                                          65 – 70
POULTRY DROPPINGS           0.31 – 0.62                                          60
SHEEP                                     0.30 – 0.62                                          70

Approximate yield values for under listed substrates at moisture content of 85-92%.

1 tonne of cattle manure                                         40 – 50 cubic Metre of Biogas.
1 tonne of Pig manure                                              70 – 80 cubic Metre of Biogas.
1 tonne of Chicken droppings                                  60 – 70 cubic Metre of Biogas.


Cow dung (substrate) is fed into the slurry mixing tank and the water taps opened to achieve the mixing rate of 92% water and 8% solid waste mix by volume. With continuous activity and practice, the approximate mixing rates can be achieved without actual measurements. For bottom fed biogas plants, mixing tank may not rise higher than the middle height of the digester. The mixed slurry is then transferred either through piping or by carts to the feeding tanks.

The daily feeding rate of mixed slurry is usually 10% of the digester volume and divided into 4-6 parts and pumped into the digester every 4-6 hour intervals. Agitation should follow immediately after each feeding to create evenness in the tank and to remove trapped biogas. It is expected that an equivalent volume of digested slurry should flow through the discharge/outlet pipes at the top of the digester.

The bio-digester is the processing plant of biogas production and where all chemical and bacteria inoculation take place to produce biogas and bio-slurry. There are three steps to biogas production in the digester. These are:
a)      Hydrolysis
b)      Acidification
c)      Methane formation

The organic matter is enzymolized externally by extracellular enzymes (cellulose, amylase, protease and lipase) of micro – organisms. Bacteria decompose the long chains of the complex carbohydrates, proteins and lipids into shorter parts. For example, polysaccharides are converted into monosaccharide’s. Proteins are split into peptides and amino – acids.

Acid producing bacteria, involved in the second step, convert the intermediates of fermenting bacteria-complex organic compositions (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) into more simple compounds. At the same time in fermentation environment, there appear primary products of fermentation - Volatile organic acids, alcohols, amino acids, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. These organic substances act as nutrients for methane-producing bacteria that convert organic acids to biogas.

Methane-producing bacteria involved in the third step, decompose compounds with a low molecular weight for example, they utilize hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetic acid to form methane and carbon dioxide. Under natural conditions, methane producing micro-organisms occur to the extent that anaerobic conditions are provided e.g. under water (for example in marine sediments, in ruminant stomach and in marshes). They are obligatory anaerobic and very sensitive to environmental changes. Therefore from the conditions created for them depends on how intensively they produce gas.

Acid and methane producing bacteria can be easily found in natural conditions, particularly in animal manure: for example in cattle digestive system, there is a full spectrum of micro-organisms necessary for fermentation of manure and the process of fermentation starts in cattle bowels.
That is why cattle manure is often used as primary substrate which is loaded into new digester where for the fermentation to begin, it is enough to create the following conditions:
·         Maintenance of anaerobic condition in digester.
·         Maintenance of temperature regime.
·         Availability of nutrients for bacteria.
·         Correct choice of digestion time.
·         Timely load and unload of substrate.
·         Observance of appropriate C/N ratio.
·         Correctly chosen proportion of solids content and proper agitation
·         Absence of inhibitors of the digestion process.

Cow dung biogas is 55-65% methane, 30-35% carbon dioxide, with some hydrogen, nitrogen and other trace element. Its heating value is around 600BTU. Per cubic feet. Natural gas consists of around 80% methane, yielding a B.T.U. value of about 1000. About one cubic foot of biogas may be generated from 0.45kg of cow manure at around 28 degrees C. This is enough gas to cook a day’s meal for 4-6 people.
About 1.7 cubic metres of biogas equal one litre of petrol. The manure produced by one cow in one year can be converted to methane which is the equivalent of over 200 litres of petrol.

GAS HOLDERS (STORAGE): The medium for biogas storage depends on the volume of gas to be stored and the level of pressure requirement at the site of use. Higher pressure vessels require steel pipes for delivery and steel storage tanks. Reinforced plastics with polyester fabric are featuring in modern gas membranes that are elastic, tough, lightweight and can withstand higher pressures, easier to transport and fix directly to user inlets. They come in different sizes and capacities with standardized connecting pipes and valves. (PICTURE)

Plant nutrients are not reduced in chemical content as a result of any bacterial activity in the digester. Plant nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, including vitamins and micro-elements necessary for plant growth are left whole in bio-fertilizer.

Bio-fertilizer nutrient content (grams per kg of dry matter)

Manure and Vegetation Waste
Vegetation waste

The nitrogen content of bio-fertilizer can be preserved by storing for a short period in closed vessels and then applied to soil shortly before ploughing. Storage can be in any of the following forms:
A.    Liquid: Pipe is connected to discharge channel from the digester and leads directly to collection vessels for onward transport to farms.
B.     Drying: A drying system can be constructed to dry the bio-fertilizer to 15% moisture content or less. Other drying technologies may include the use of separators and sieves. Drying offers opportunity for longer preservation but suffers loss of 90% of inorganic nitrogen which represents 50% of overall nitrogen content.
C.     Composting. To avoid such massive loss of nitrogen, the bio-fertilizer slurry can be mixed with dead vegetation and wastes and composted. The bio-fertilizer which has high contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and other chemicals quickens the composting activity and kills pathogenic micro-flora.

A.    Experiments conducted have shown increase in corn yields of 49%” “With single application of bio-fertilizer during pre-sowing period in quantities of 4 tonnes per hectare. Farmers have registered increases in corn yield of 1.8 times more than the normal yield.
B.     Tuberous plants and vegetables: Researches conducted on different types of crops have proven that the most dramatic yield effects of biogas are on tuber crops like cassava and tomatoes.
C.     Bio-fertilizer is a wholesome environment friendly soil enrichment and support fertilizer that does not result in soil leaching or degradation unlike chemical fertilizer. Bio-fertilizer contribute immeasurably to the stability of the eco-system by stopping the wanton destruction of the forest for firewood and by halting the leaching into the atmosphere of bio-methane from cow dung that contribute so destructively to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Cow dung slurry is composed of 1.8-2.4% nitrogen (N2), 1.0-1.2% phosphorus (P2O5), 0.6-0.8% Potassium (K2O) and 50-70% organic humus.

Bio-slurry can be used as fodder for livestock and feed for fish. Micro-organisms present in the solid contents are a rich source of protein when the digested slurry and dregs are used as fodder. It can be used to feed fish and pigs to speed up growth and shorten the rearing period by 25%. With its high humic acid content it can be used to rear mushrooms or earthworms for feeding chicken. Chickens lay 15-30% more eggs when fed a sustained diet of earthworms.

A modular design for a Biogas plant is recommended for the Biogas Project. This will require that basic biogas and factory facilities are provided in the initial factory design and installation while allowing for additional digesters and slurry tanks to be added as business develops. The digester is the processing centre for biogas and the focal point of all industrial activity at the plant. The capacity and output of the digester systems determine the capacity of the biogas plant.
Local fabrication of the biogas plant lowers investment costs dramatically while also allowing for the development of local skills and technologies for onward sale to future investors as part of the new income streams of the Biogas Project.
A locally fabricated biogas plant will require the services of a Fabrication Engineer or experienced technician to accomplish. The inner walls of the steel tanks will be of galvanized steel in order to avoid corrosion from hydrogen sulfide for as long as possible.
There is of course the alternative of buying and deploying the largest possible sizes of plastic tanks. They are of lower capacity but deployed in enough numbers they can do well to service a 250 cubic metre biogas plant.
Blocked Inlet/Outlet Pipe
Possible Reasons:
A.    Fibrous material inside the pipe
B.     Sinking layer blocking the lower end of the pipe.
(a) Clean up the pipe with a pole
(b) Remove the sinking layer by frequent poking through inlet and outlet pole.
Sinking Sludge Level
Possible Reasons
A.    Digester not water tight (If cracks in the digester do not self-seal within weeks, empty digester and seal cracks).
B.     Insufficient gas storage: Gas store not gas tight due to cracks or corrosion.
I.                   Seal Cracks
II.                 Replace corroded parts

A.    Corrosion: Open and close several times, grease or replace taps.
B.     Gas pipe is not tight: Corrosion or porosity; insufficient sealing of connections. CORRECTION: (a) identify leaking parts (b) replace corroded or porous parts (c) re-seal connections.

Possible Reason
Crack in the gas pipe: automatic water trap blown empty.
A.    Open gas tap
B.     Repair or replace
C.     Add/refill water
D.    Detect reason for over-pressure
E.     Check dimensioning of the water trap
F.     Close tap.
Possible Reason
1.     Water in the gas pipe
2.     Blocked gas pipe
A.    Check functioning of water trap
B.     Install water traps in depressions of piping systems
C.     Or eliminate these depressions
D.    Identify the blocked parts (start with gas outlet connections to appliances and bends).
E.     Clean the respective parts.
1.     Oil Storage Tanks in Galvanized Steel Sheets (10 no) Total capacity 250Cubic Metres
2.     Slurry Mixing Tanks
3.     Steel or PVC Pipes, Bends etc.
4.     Valves, Chambers, Locks, Gas Pressure Gauges, Metres etc.
5.     Gas steel storage tanks or gas plastic membranes, gas holders etc.
6.     Cow Dung Dump Tanks (or just plain ground)
7.     Bio-Slurry Tanks (Plastic)
8.     Sieving Equipment
9.     Drying Equipment.
10.                        Sack Sewing Machine
11.                        Bottle Filling Equipment
12.                        Jerry Cans, PET Bottles.
13.                        Tractors with Buckets (2 No)
14.                        Push Carts